
You’ve found your dream home, but it needs a few small fixes here and there. 我们是来帮忙的. 翻新. 改造. 改造. 

马上申请 认为利率


你找到了一个很棒的家, 在你的价格范围内, 在一个很棒的位置, 然而,你已经准备好出发了, it just needs that one thing to be completely perfect. 

Whether your dream home requires a fresh coat of paint, 新大理石台面, or the musty 地毯 ripped out (or any other cosmetic improvement), 我们会帮你的. 

Our 装修贷款 could just be the answer for you. The renovation loan allows you to upgrade now and pay over time, so you can create a space you’re proud to call home. The loan includes both the cost to buy/refinance and the cost to make home improvements. 

From kitchen remodels, to landscaping, a fresh coat of paint, or a brand new pool, call us today at 269.544.3105 看看我们的团队能为你做些什么!




The Arbor Financial 装修贷款 is for non-structural improvements up to $50,000. 这些家装包括油漆, 地毯, 台面, 橱柜, 站, 空调, 加热, 窗户, 新屋顶, 或者可访问性增强.

在某些情况下, home renovations can be delayed with the purchase of a new home due to a deficit in cash to allocate to a down payment, 抵押贷款, 密集的家庭装修. The 装修贷款 is our way of changing the game, so members can buy and renovate simultaneously.  

当然,情况各不相同, 如果你对我们的装修贷款感兴趣, 给我们的抵押贷款小组打电话 269.544.3105 and we'll make sure you get the deal that's right for you.

Arbor Financial's Construction and 装修贷款s are built on these concepts:

  • 一次性成交费用
  • 低利率的固定利率贷款
  • 灵活的融资期限从10年到30年不等
  • 简单的申请流程和快速的响应
  • Loan serviced by Arbor Financial so you will always speak to someone local if you have questions

When you're ready to apply, here's what to consider:

You'll need documentation for all borrowers, including:

  • 社会安全号码
  • 联系方式及招聘信息
  • Best estimates of income, assets, and liabilities


  • 指导您完成贷款流程
  • 完成你的贷款申请包
  • Help you select the best program and interest rate
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