Arbor Financial是西南和西密歇根州351家小企业的融资中心. Of those 351 small businesses, 20 are owned by women! 10月是全国妇女小企业月,也是展示我们的一些强者的时候, successful, women-owned businesses, we are sharing some of their stories.


LFG Gaming Bar

Downtown Kalamazoo is home to the spectacular LFG Gaming Bar. Arbor Financial had the honor of working w艾米,LFG游戏酒吧的所有者和创造者,帮助她资助她的小生意. Now, our team has the pleasure of watchi她实现了把欢乐和怀旧带回美丽市区的梦想.


艾米对电子游戏的热爱已经成为她生活中重要的一部分. “从我记事起,我就喜欢电子游戏,”她说. “When I look at this bar and the games in it, 我深情地回忆起父母陪我一起玩电子游戏的时光,这让我的童年变得有趣而难忘.” Amy concluded with, “我很感激能够把这种感觉带给卡拉马祖的这么多人.”

在和丈夫度假的时候,艾米发现了她对创业的热情. “We were traveling and stopped into a gaming bar,” said Amy. “从那一刻起,我就知道这是我自己想做的事情。”. With the help of Arbor Financial’s Commercial Banking Team, 艾米能够获得所需的资金,使她的激情成为一个更大的项目.

Judith Robbins, Vice President of Commercial Banking, shared her thoughts on Amy and her successful business. “Amy is absolutely fearless. 她通过纯粹的忙碌度过了COVID,并利用创造性的社交媒体策略来保持LFG游戏酒吧的名字. 此外,她与许多当地企业合作,提供赠品,以保持她的生意兴隆.”
While Amy is achieving her high score in gaming, 我们的加拿大28免费大数据分析成员Amber和Kaysee每天都在为他们的账簿填满新客户! Amber和Kaysee是密歇根州Portage市NEW Slate沙龙的共同所有者.


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Slate Salon

After working together for over 10 years at a local salon, friends, and now business partners, 安布尔和凯西发现自己想要尝试自己的冒险, 因为他们工作了这么多年的沙龙要关门了. “We had never envisioned ourselves owning our very own salon, but when the day came that our clients needed a place to call home, we felt compelled to do this,” said Amber. Kaysee followed up by noting, “Our clients, old and new, have all said that our salon feels like home. 我们的空间营造了一个宁静的环境,是我们的客户可以休息的地方, relax, and enjoy their appointment.” 307771973_1286286095109633_208116281616361588_n

Slate Salon成立于2020年,自2022年4月以来一直在实体店运营. From April to August, Kaysee, Amber, their friends, 他们的家人一直在不知疲倦地工作,让这个地方重新运转起来. “我们在沙龙里通过DIY项目学到了很多新技能. 所有升级或安装的东西都是由我们完成的。. “I have learned so much about myself throughout this experience, and I now know that I can do anything I set my mind to.”

When asked what their secret to success was, Amber and Kaysee quickly answered by saying, “Never be afraid to ask for help.” When asked to elaborate, Amber said, “We could have easily felt ‘in-over-our-heads’ and overwhelmed, but with the support of Arbor Financial’s Commercial Banking Team, our friends, and our family members, we knew we had the community it required to do this.” Amber finished by saying, “有Arbor Financial团队的成员随叫随到,真是太好了. 每当我们有问题时,我们从不犹豫地打电话给Arbor Financial并与我们的贷款人交谈.”

As we celebrate National Women’s Small Business Month, 我们很自豪能够提供舒适和社区的感觉,我们的加拿大28免费大数据分析成员正在寻找时,建立他们的加拿大28免费大数据分析. 在此,我们向所有的会员致以衷心的祝贺, women and men alike, in achieving their dreams of business ownership. As we progress through October, 我们在Arbor Financial的团队希望我们的成员和社区成员利用这个月来庆祝当地的小企业主,并祝贺你们城镇的妇女, cities, 州政府努力与我们的社区分享他们的激情.

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